Zensekai Emblem

Zensekai Emblem
Traditional Okinawan Goju - Ryu Karate

Goju - Ryu Karate Hojo Undo – Supplementary Exercises

Okinawan Goju - Ryu is a style of Karate that is characterized among other attributes, for the power of its techniques and the strong foundation that the Goju - Ryu practitioners develop through their regular training. This accomplishment is not easy to reach, but with dedication and the proper training of the Hojo Undo (Supplementary Equipment) it is possible to do.
The traditional set of Hojo Undo equipment practiced in Goju - Ryu was brought to Okinawa in almost its entirety by Kanryo Higaonna Sensei. Higaonna Sensei learned in China from Ryu Ryu Ko Sensei.
Chiishi (Stone Lever Eight), Ishi-Sashi (Stone Padlock), Sashi-Ishi (Stone Weight), Nigiri-Game (Gripping Jars), Makiwara (Striking Post), Tan (Barbell), Jari Bako (Sand Box), Tetsu Geta (Iron Sandals), Makiage Kigu (Wrist Roller), and Tetsuarei (Dumbells) training . Later Chojun Miyagi Sensei incorporated the Kongoken (Oval Metal Weight) as part of the Hojo Undo set.

Chiishi (Stone Lever Eight)


Ishi-Sashi (Stone Padlock)




Sashi-Ishi (Stone Weight)


Nigiri-Game (Gripping Jars)



Makiwara (Striking Post)


Tan (Barbell)


Jari Bako (Sand Box)


Tetsu Geta (Iron Sandals)


Makiage Kigu (Wrist Roller)


Tetsuarei (Dumbells)


Kongoken (Oval Metal Weight)


Kote Kitae (Body Conditioning)