Zensekai Emblem

Zensekai Emblem
Traditional Okinawan Goju - Ryu Karate

Competition Results 2018

Zensekai Karate Club competed at the Ashihara Blind Buddy Karate Competition on 12 May 2018. Eight  karatikas took part and the Club won 11 Medals. (5 Gold, 4 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals)

Team Zensekai:

Back Row: Sensei Leon Abrahams (Yondan), Marcel Minnie (Gold for Kata), Ruan Potgieter (Gold for Kumite & Bronze for Kata), Aasheeq Andrews (Gold for Kata)

Front Row: Keanu Myburgh (Gold for Kumite & Bronze for Kata), Connor Potgieter (Gold for Kata & Silver for Kumite), Kyle Bebe (Silver for Kata), Brendan Chako (Silver for Kata). Not in the photo is Aneeq Williams (Silver for Kata).

Video - Gold Medal Performance by Marcel Minnie - Seiyunchin Kata