Zensekai Emblem

Zensekai Emblem
Traditional Okinawan Goju - Ryu Karate

Belt Colour and Kyu Rank

The History of Belt Colours in Karate

The systematic use of Belt Colour to denote the rank was first used in Japan by Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, who first devised the coloured belt system using Obi (Sash), and awarded the first black belts to denote a Dan rank in the 1880s. Previously, Japanese Koryu instructors tended to provide certificates.

The grading system in Karate has been introduced for a variety of reasons. In modern day, it is a sign of having achieved a particular skill level, that gives the student an indication on how they are progressing. As a visible sign, the colour of one's belt lets other students in the class know what skill level to expect from their fellow students. This makes partner training easier, and the newer students know where to look for the more experienced students.
Traditionally in most Karate styles, there are 9 stages where students go from 9th Kyu (Kyu means junior rank) to 1st Kyu wearing coloured belts, and ultimately become 1st Dan (1st Level Black belt). Black belts can purchase specially embroided Karate belts to provide their name and the style name thereon.

The grading procedure typically involves a training session where experienced Karateka (typically black belts from 3rd Dan onwards) examine the performance of the students, including basic techniques, Kata, Bunkai and sparring. In general, the further you advance in the study of Karate, the more precision and also fighting spirit is expected in the performance of all techniques. Familiarity with Dojo etiquette and also a good grasp of the Japanese terminology is also increasingly expected. There are two kinds of students with regards to belts. Junior students ages 18 and younger, and senior students, over the age of 18. It usually takes the senior student about 5 years to get his 1st Dan black belt. And the junior student till the age of 18 for full black belt grade due to concentration, strength and skill required to becoming a full black belt.

There are certain belts which requires a student to wait a minimum period before the student can grade for his next belt. Like for instance there are a few brown belts which one first have to qualify for, with a minimum waiting period of one year between the last two, before attempting for Black Belt.

Each stripe on each belt counts as a full grading. Depending on a student's level and skill the student attempting a grading may skip a stripe or two at the maximum.

Zensekai Karate Club Belt Colours and Kyu Ranks

Belt Colour
Kyu Rank
White Belt
Tenth Kyu
Red Belt
Ninth Kyu
Yellow Belt
Eight Kyu
Orange Belt
Seventh Kyu
Green Belt
Sixth Kyu
Blue Belt
Fifth Kyu
Purple Belt
Fourth Kyu
Brown Belt
Third Kyu
Brown Belt – 2 Black Stripes
Second Kyu
Brown Belt – 4 Black Stripes
First Kyu
Brown Belt with Black Solid Stripe
Shodan Ho
Black Belt
Second Dan
Third Dan
Fourth Dan
Fifth Dan

**Belt Colours my differ for younger students**