Zensekai Emblem

Zensekai Emblem
Traditional Okinawan Goju - Ryu Karate

Goju - Ruy Karate Bunkai's

Bunkai, literally meaning "analysis" or "disassembly", is a term used in Japanese martial arts referring to process of analysing kata and extracting fighting techniques from the movements of a "form". The extracted fighting techniques are called Oyo.

Gekisai Dai Ichi - (Attack and Destroy 1)


Gekisai Dai Ni - (Attack and Destroy 2)


Saifa - (Smash and Tear Apart)


Seiyunchin - (To Control and Pull in Battle)


Sepai - (18 Hands)


Shisochin - (Four Directions/Gates of Conflict/Attack)


Sanseru - (36 Hands)


Kururunfa - (Holding Ground)


Sesan - (13 Hands)


Superinpei - (108 Hands)


Sanchin - (Three Battles / Conflicts)


Tensho - (Turning Palms)